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How To Calculate Yardage Of A Finished Project

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Have you ever been in a position where you needed or wanted to know how many yards of yarn your finished project used, but have no idea how to calculate yardage of a finished project?

If you are a pattern tester or are interested in pattern testing; the question of how many yards of yarn did you use will most likely be asked.

Nope, you do not need to frog your project and measure with a yard stick!

Finding the yardage by using a basic mathematical equation is really simple and quick to do. You probably even remember it!

I do not like mathing, never have, probably never will. This is so easy though, if I can do it…I know you can too!!

Who knew we’d actually have a need to cross-multiply and divide?!?!

Need to calculate the yardage left in a partial skein?! Found how here: How To Calculate Yardage of a Partial Skein

What You’ll Need To Calculate Yardage of a Finished Project

To be able to use this method you will need a few things:

  • Kitchen scale (I recommend a digital one!) I use this *scale from WeCrochet
  • The label from the yarn you used. (TIP- if you know what yarn it is but no longer have the label google the brand/type for the info needed!)
  • Your completed project.

How To Calculate Yardage of a Finished Project

Here’s a fun ‘lil pict-o-gram (is that a word?) because math is always more fun when it’s pretty!!

How To Calculate The Yardage of a Finished Project

Here is a PDF Download for you too!

Let’s work through the worksheet together

Each box will give you directions of what number goes where.

Top Right – Yardage of the full skein used

I like to start here, but you don’t have to. You can fill the green and pink boxes in any order.

Here’s is where you want to check your label for the TOTAL YARDAGE of the skein you’ve used.

For my example I will use Red Heart Super Saver solids.

The total yardage of RHSS solids is 364 yards, so I will put that number in that box.

Bottom Right – Weight of full skein used

You can choose grams or ounces for this one, just be consistent and be sure to use the same one throughout!! I use grams.

The total weight of RHSS soilds is 198 grams, so I will put this number in that box.

Bottom Left – Weight of your finished project

This is where we need our scale. Place your finished project on the scale and record what the weight is; remember to use the same unit of measurement as you did for the skein weight!

My project weighed 46 grams. So I will put this number in that box.

Here’s what my project sheet looks like now:

How to Calculate Yardage of a Partial Skein step 1

And, now we math…

Here’s where we cross multiple and divide. I know, not nearly as fun as filling in the pretty boxes!

So, we want to find the X, and by X I mean the ?.

Take the bottom left number and multiply by the top right number:

46 x 364 = 16744

Next we want to divide that number by the bottom right number :

16744/ 198 = 84.56

Now, we put that final number in the top left box – That’s the number of yards your project used! I like to round up just to be on the safe side.

How to Calculate Yardage of a Partial Skein

There You Go!

Now you can calculate the yardage of your finished project, easily!

Need some projects to practice on?!

Take a peek my all my patterns HERE!

Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope this information has been helpful for you! Think it might help out another maker?! Please share and spread the love!

*Indicates an affiliate link which means I may receive commissions if you choose to purchase through links I provide (at no extra cost to you). Thank you for supporting the work I put into this site!. Read my full disclosure here.

©2020 Through The Loop Yarn Craft – Ashley Edmonds This pattern and its associated images are copyright protected. The pattern is for your personal use only. Please do not copy/paste, distribute, or alter and claim as your own.

Sharing is caring!


  • Jenny Patriksson


    I love this calculation post! ?
    It’s very easy to use and well explained!
    But sadly I can’t open the downloaded PDF file. I don’t know why. I have no problems opening other PDF files.

    Am I the only one having problems opening it? I can see it comes from dropbox.
    I’m trying to open it on myvphone.

    Thanks again for all the informations, patterns and so on you post ❤️

    • Ashley

      Hello, It should automatically download. When I do it from my phone (iphone) a little down arrow comes up beside the address bar. When I hot that sown arrow it opens up. If that doesn’t seem to work you can try from a desk top, or send me an email. Ashley

  • Dianna Clarkson

    Thanks, very helpful. (Now if I just had a scale…)

    PS – If you round UP from 84.56, you should get 84.6 or 85, not 84.5. That would be 84.56 rounded DOWN.

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